Create Push Campaign
Creates a new push notification campaign
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Api-Key: <api-key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name": "my-campaign",
"externalId": "<string>",
"segment": {
"query": "select * from users",
"primaryKey": "user_id"
"schedule": {
"type": "START_NOW",
"startTs": 123
"message": {
"type": "MOBILE_PUSH",
"iosEnabled": true,
"androidEnabled": true,
"title": {
"en": "Hey {{ first_name | '\''there'\'' }}",
"hi": " हेलो {{ first_name | '\''there'\'' }}"
"subtitle": {},
"body": {
"en": "Hello from Castled!",
"hi": "कैसल्ड की ओर से नमस्ते!"
"collapseId": "<string>",
"ttl": 123,
"action": "DEFAULT",
"androidActionUrl": "<string>",
"iosActionUrl": "<string>",
"keyVals": {},
"bigImageUrl": "<string>",
"largeIconUrl": "<string>",
"smallIconResourceId": "<string>",
"androidChannel": "<string>",
"priority": "NORMAL",
"androidActionButtons": [
"label": "<string>",
"url": "<string>",
"clickAction": "DEEP_LINKING",
"keyVals": {}
"soundFileName": "<string>",
"richMediaUrl": "<string>",
"mediaType": "IMAGE",
"interruptionLevel": "PASSIVE",
"badgeCount": 123,
"relevanceScore": "SCORE_MAX",
"contentAvailable": true,
"actionCategory": {
"name": "<string>",
"actionComponents": [
"actionId": "<string>",
"url": "<string>",
"clickAction": "DEEP_LINKING",
"keyVals": {},
"useWebview": true
"uuid": "<string>"
Private key to access the API.
Schema representing campaign create request data.
Name of the campaign
Campaign message details.
Campaign type
Should send notification to iOS device
Should send notification to Android device
Map of ISO 639 language code to corresponding title text in that language. Text supports personalization.
Map of ISO 639 language code to corresponding body text in that language. Text supports personalization.
Map of ISO 639 language code to corresponding subtitle text in that language
A newer message with same collapseId will replace the older message if it is yet to be delivered to the device
Time-to-live specifies how long the server cache the message for retry before it could be delivered to the mobile device
Defines the action when notification is tapped
Url associated with the action for Android device
Url associated with the action for iOS device
A flatmap for passing any additional arguments to the tap action
Url of the image to be displayed. Android only
Url of the large icon. Android only
Resource id of the small icon. Android only
Channel on which the notification is sent. Android only
Normal priority messages are delivered immediately when the device is not sleeping. FCM attempts to deliver high priority messages immediately, allowing FCM to wake a sleeping device when necessary. Android only
Array of notification action buttons
Button label
Url to be opened on button tap
Action to be performed on button tap
custom sound for your notification. iOS only
Rich media url. iOS only
Rich media type. iOS only
Defines the priority and presentation style of the notification based on the content's urgency and relevance. iOS only
Increment notification badge by this number. iOS only
A relevance score is a float value between 0 and 1 that developers can assign to each notification to indicate its importance relative to other notifications from the same app. The iOS system uses this score to determine the ordering of notifications within the Notification Summary. iOS only
, SCORE_0_75
, SCORE_0_50
, SCORE_0_25
Setting contentAvailable to true in a push notification payload indicates that the notification should be delivered to the device immediately, even if the app is in the background or not running. This allows the app to wake up in the background and perform tasks such as fetching new content or updating data without necessarily displaying a visible notification to the user. iOS only
Notification long tap actions. iOS only
type of action category
notification category name
Array of notification action buttons
Action Id
Url to be opened on button tap
Action to be performed on button tap
A flatmap for passing any additional arguments to the tap action
Use webview for opening url
Optional external id assigned to the campaign. Used to ensure idempotency, to prevent same campaign from being created more than once. Max length of 256 chars
A standard response for successful campaign creation.
UUID of the created campaign
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Api-Key: <api-key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name": "my-campaign",
"externalId": "<string>",
"segment": {
"query": "select * from users",
"primaryKey": "user_id"
"schedule": {
"type": "START_NOW",
"startTs": 123
"message": {
"type": "MOBILE_PUSH",
"iosEnabled": true,
"androidEnabled": true,
"title": {
"en": "Hey {{ first_name | '\''there'\'' }}",
"hi": " हेलो {{ first_name | '\''there'\'' }}"
"subtitle": {},
"body": {
"en": "Hello from Castled!",
"hi": "कैसल्ड की ओर से नमस्ते!"
"collapseId": "<string>",
"ttl": 123,
"action": "DEFAULT",
"androidActionUrl": "<string>",
"iosActionUrl": "<string>",
"keyVals": {},
"bigImageUrl": "<string>",
"largeIconUrl": "<string>",
"smallIconResourceId": "<string>",
"androidChannel": "<string>",
"priority": "NORMAL",
"androidActionButtons": [
"label": "<string>",
"url": "<string>",
"clickAction": "DEEP_LINKING",
"keyVals": {}
"soundFileName": "<string>",
"richMediaUrl": "<string>",
"mediaType": "IMAGE",
"interruptionLevel": "PASSIVE",
"badgeCount": 123,
"relevanceScore": "SCORE_MAX",
"contentAvailable": true,
"actionCategory": {
"name": "<string>",
"actionComponents": [
"actionId": "<string>",
"url": "<string>",
"clickAction": "DEEP_LINKING",
"keyVals": {},
"useWebview": true
"uuid": "<string>"