The Castled Android SDK enables mobile applications running on Android devices to receive push, in-app and inbox notifications originating from the Castled Customer Engagement Platform. The steps outlined below will assist your Android app developers in integrating the SDK with your mobile application

SDK installation

Applicable if your project uses Gradle for managing dependency. Add castled-notifications as a dependency in the build.gradle file of your Android application module.

    dependencies {
        implementation '<sdk-latest-version>'

Replace latest-version with the latest version number of the SDK found here. Sync the gradle file to pull the dependencies just added.

SDK initialization

The next step is to initialize the SDK. Initialization is typically done in the onCreate method of your Application class as follows.

class MyApplicationClass : MultiDexApplication() {
    override fun onCreate() {

        // SDK initialization
            this, CastledConfigs.Builder()
  • app-id is a unique key associated with your Castled account. It can be found in the Castled dashboard at Settings > Api Keys.
  • location is the region where you have your Castled account.
    enum class CastledLocation {
        US,   // United States
        IN,   // India
        AP    // Asia Pacific

User Identification

To identify the user associated with this app instance, use the following method. This is typically invoked immediately after user completes the sign-in flow of your app. user-id is the id that you use internally within your organisation to identify a user.

// User identification
CastledNotifications.setUserId(context, "<user-id>")

It is recommended to pass an optional user-token as the third parameter to setUserId to mitigate any risk of user impersonation. In the absence of a user-token, no additional verifications will be done to enforce user authenticity. If your user-id is random id such as a UUID, user-token is probably not required. More info on user-token can be found in the next section.

Secure User Identification

user-token is a unique token for each user generated by your app server. This token is usually issued by the app server after the user completes the login flow within your app.

// Secure user identification
CastledNotifications.setUserId(this, "<user-id>", "<user-token>")

user-token is basically a Base64 encoded Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC). Ensure the hash computation happens in your app server so that api-key is not exposed. You can create an api-key in the Setting > API Keys page within your Castled account. Contact Castled support for help with integration.

Find sample server code snippets to generate HMAC for the user-id.


User Logout

To remove the user association with a particular app instance. Typically invoked as part of the user sign-out flow within the app. Once invoked, the app won’t be able to receive any messages or notifications sent from Castled until the user sign-in again to the app again.

// User logout

SDK Configs

This section covers the basic configurations available in the SDK. Use these configs if you want to enable specific mobile communication channel or want to override default behavior.

Config NameDescriptionDefault Value
enablePushEnables push notification featurefalse
enablePushBoostEnhances push notification delivery rates on Android devices with the advanced push boost featurefalse
enableInAppEnables In App notification featurefalse
enableAppInboxEnables App Inbox notification featurefalse
enableTrackingEnables tracking of User attributes or App eventsfalse
enableSessionTrackingEnables tracking of User Sessionstrue
locationPreferred server locationUS
skipUrlHandlingDisables the click action handling by the SDK. Set when app handles the notification action itselffalse

Please find below a sample snippet to enable Push Notification and using Castled US server location.

class MyApplicationClass : MultiDexApplication() {
    override fun onCreate() {

        // SDK initialization
            this, CastledConfigs.Builder()

SDK Permissions

By default AndroidManifest.xml of the SDK includes the following permission requests. No developer action is required here.

<!-- Castled SDK needs this permission to sync user token and campaign events  -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<!-- Castled SDK will use this permission to decide when to make network calls -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>