Castled SDK allows you to show in-app messages to users who are currently engaging with your app. These messages are typically used to communicate important information, deliver targeted promotions, provide user guidance, or engage with users within the app.

Enabling In-App messages in SDK

Set the flag enableInApp to true when initializing the SDK

// SDK initialization
    this, CastledConfigs.Builder()

Triggering In-App SDK events

In-App messages are typically shown in response to events that happen within your app. You can decide the trigger event for in-app display when creating the campaign. By default SDK tracks app_opened and page_viewed events. Note that these events are not reported to our sever and is used only to determine if an in-app needs to be shown or not.

If you want to use a custom event as the trigger event, SDK provides a method to raise such an event based on a user action within your app.

CastledNotification.logCustomAppEvent(context, "<event-name>", <event-params>)

<event-name> is the name of the custom event. <event-params> is a flat map of key value pairs. Keys are always of type string, but values can be string, number, date or boolean.

For e.g. If your shopping app wants to display an in-app message when value of items in cart greater than a certain number, app would log a custom event as follows whenever user adds an item to cart.

// Name of event: added_to_cart
// Event params:
//     value: total value of
//     items: total number of
            mapOf("value" to 120, "items" to 3)

SDK will then make sure of displaying the eligible in-app to user if there is one.

Skipping InApps in Activity

This is useful when you want to skip showing InApps when user is on specific screens within your app. For e.g. Splash screen, Checkout screen, etc.

Add the list of Activities that you want to skip to castled.xml (castled.xml is added to the res/values folder of your app)

    <string name="io_castled_inapp_excluded_activities">SplashScreenActivity,CheckoutActivity</string>

Managing InApp Rendering

You can use the following methods to override the default InApp behaviour.

Pausing InApp

Any new InApps which are ready for display are not shown to users and added to a waiting queue. This can be used to not interrupt users when they are performing any critical activity within your app.


Resuming InApp

InApp display behaviour goes back to normal. If there are any InApps which are previously paused, they get displayed.


Stopping InApps

This method stops all InApp messages from displaying until a CastledNotifications.resumeInApp() is invoked. Unlike pauseInApp, stopInApp completely stops evaluating the trigger condition for displaying InApp and all InApp that would have been displayed otherwise would be ignored.
