A Sample Workflow Report

Workflow Summary

Provides a high-level summary of the entire workflow. Please find below the list of Workflow summary stats

EnteredNumber of users who entered this workflow
Completed(%)% of users who completed the workflow successfully
Failed(%)% of users for whom the workflow run failed. If a user fails a step in workflow (even after retries), he is marked failed and removed from workflow

Let’s say Completed is 67% and Failed is 1% at a point during the workflow run. It also means remaining 32% of users are still continuing in the workflow.

Conversion Summary

Provides insights into how workflow is performing in terms of the goal conversion criteria you have defined during the start of the workflow. You can define 1 primary conversion criteria and upto 4 secondary conversion criteria.

Primary(%)Number of unique users who met the primary conversion goal expressed as a % of total users entered the workflow at that time
Secondary N(%)Number of unique users who met the secondary conversion goal N expressed as a % of total users entered the workflow at that time. For e.g. when you have 2 secondary goals defined N can have values 1 and 2

Workflow Step Summary

Workflow Step Summary

Lists all the steps involving a communication channel and provides high-level summary of how users are moving through each step in the list.

Step #Id of the step in workflow
Step Name Name of the step
Step TypeChannel type (eg. Push, Email etc)
Contacts EnteredNumber of users who entered the step
Contacts Completed(%) Number of users who completed the step successfully as a % of users who entered the step
Contacts Failed(%)Number of users who failed the step as a % of users who entered the step

You can click on each step name to drill down into the detailed step level report. Format of the step level report is same as the Campaign Reports

Workflow Timeseries

This graph shows how new users are entering the workflow. Currently we are in the process of adding timeseries graph for all the engagement stats which will be out soon.