Creating a workflow

Follow the workflow creation documentation to complete all the steps till the Workflow step in the wizard.

Select the Email step

Select the ‘Email’ Action from the modal

Enter the step details

Enter the step name and click on ADD CONTENT to add the Email contents

Select a existing template or proceed without a template

While creating an email step,you can decide to use an existing template or create an email content without an existing template.

Option 1 : Selecting from an existing template

Option 2 : Proceed with out a template

Capture the email details

Step 1 : Capture the sender details

Step 2 : Capture the email content

Step 3 (Optional): Select the physical adresss

Adding the step to the workflow

Once the email content details are captured, the Email step can be added to the workflow. At this point ADD CONTENT button changes to EDIT CONTENT which indicates the message content is already added which can now only be modified.

Inbox Step appears in the Workflow.