Creating a workflow

Follow the workflow creation documentation to complete all the steps till the Workflow step in the wizard.

Select the ‘App Inbox’ Action

Enter the step name and select the target platforms

Click on ADD CONTENT to add the message contents

Select the message type

The two supported messages types are

  1. Simple Message
  2. Carousal Message - Coming soon

Select the message template

Select the message template for the message type captured in the previous step.

Capture the Message Content

  1. Message details

Capture the message details which includes the message title and message.Select the font color and background color for the message details captured.

  1. Default click Action

Default click action defines what happens when the user clicks on the inbox message body.

  1. Upload Image

Upload the image to be used for the message.

  1. CTA Links

Capture the CTA(Call to action) link details which includes

  1. Link Text
  2. Click Action
  3. Click Action URI
  4. Link Color & BG Color
  5. Optional Key Value pair details
  1. Setting

Captures the display settings applicable for inbox message being sent which includes

  1. Criteria for removing a message from the inbox
  2. Provision to pin the card to the top

Adding the step to the workflow

Once the message content details are captured, the inbox step can be added to the workflow. At this point ADD CONTENT button changes to EDIT CONTENT which indicates the message content is already added which can now only be modified.

Inbox Step appears in the Workflow.